
Burp suite professional price in india
Burp suite professional price in india

burp suite professional price in india

I am also an fast learner and active listener with high exponential skills and precise workaholic. Knowledge in various domains such as Network, Web-application and Malware analysis. With three years of hands on experience in various security testing and tools, expertise in real world vulnerabilities and skilled in attack and threat vector aspects. LinkedIn : linkedin.Hi! I'm a Security Analyst with a passion driven through Cyber-Security. If you enjoyed it please do clap & let’s collaborate. Way in which I would have stopped the hacker from changing the price of the jersey would have been to send a hash code along in the past request message so that even if the attacker does change the plain-text price tag that is present in the post request, he won’t be able to make required change to the hash thus rendering the attack ineffective and protecting the website from such scams. This was a serious mistake that I discovered, faults in payment gateway can cause huge damage to the company that is hosting the service. The order got confirmed and the jersey is set to arrive in a few days. I carried out normal payment which was for just 1 INR, it was a bit too surreal cause I actually thought they would stop me somewhere in between the whole process but they didn’t. I started to go through the packet details being showed on the BurpSuite and this one struck out. I had my hopes up, first I created the user profile the normal way and went on till the last part where the payment was being carried out and then turned on proxy in BurpSuite to intercept the traffic. I decide to dive right in, but I was unsure as most of the payment gateways these days are pretty complex to break down and get into. subscription website and got myself a next to free t.v. subscription for 0.01$ - A blog that depicts how I manipulated the price of an online t.v. I have carried out this process once before, check it out here. I straight away opened BurpSuite and browsed on my Firefox browser. I knew only one method that could allow me to play with the price parameters and that was BurpSuite. I was happy that they were selling the jersey but for me it was way too expensive so I had to find a way to manipulate the price of the T-Shirt so that it costs me less. I started searching for online retails selling CSK’s jersey and I found a website let’s say, which was selling the original jersey for 2000 ₹. Well, that and I had a pretty bad final exams so that had me depressed too, so I had to hack something. If you know me at all, then you must know I am a huge fan of CSK (Chennai Super King) the cricket franchise in India, and now that they have had qualified for the playoffs I had to buy their jersey and support them with all I can. How I got a 1999 ₹ worth jersey for 1 ₹ ?

Burp suite professional price in india